Product design

The PFD team is currently made up of three people; Oli, Tori and Neil. Collectively we feel we strike a great balance between creativity and technical know-how. We pride ourselves on being friendly, honest and reliable and like to encourage a high level of interaction between our clients and ourselves throughout every project. As we comprise a fairly compact team, it is this personal design experience we feel helps set us apart from our competitors.

Oli takes the creative lead on most projects, project manages all work and is heavily involved in all design work. He has over 10 years experience working within the design industry.

Tori is primarily a photographer, specialising in food and lifestyle photography here at PFD. The work she has shot has been featured in numerous publications (both print and online) and is used in many of our clients' websites. Sometimes she'll take the creative lead on projects and has a keen design eye, often contributing creatively to much of our work.


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